Many people think of migraine and general headaches together. Although both have similar diseases in their general perspective, their sources and symptoms differ. Many people think of migraine if they have headaches for a long time. However, migraine is a disease which provides a painful impairment for a long time. On the other hand, migraine can not be permanently cured. The amount of temporary pain is reduced. Let's see what the headaches and migraine are, why, and the medical process did not know.
Headaches: Generally a disease headache caused by nervous system problems. Headaches can be people of all ages. Some of them are less than People who did not have a headache once in life can not be found. The inflamatory juice of the pain inside the brain is released around the nervous system and the blood vessel of the head, resulting in headache. Due to the release of this juice, headache can occur on one side of the head after a specific period of time. There can also be headaches due to the water crisis. Another reason for headaches is tension or anxiety. Usually, 70% of the headaches are due to anxiety. Such a headache only got better after a while. The source of another type of headache is the nerve that originated from the neck. Usually, if any pressure arises in the first 3 of the 8 nerve that originates from the neck, then the pain caused is spread to the head. There may be neck and pain in this type of pain. Headache pain can also occur and move around the neck. The neck nerves have a lot of pressure in the neck. Nerve ropes or spinal cords fall from head to waist in the middle of our spine. Various instructions from the spinal cord brain are transported through various nerves to different parts of the body, and then reaches the body of various information and inconvenience. Spinal nerves, which are made from spinal cord, are called nerves, spinal nerves. When this spinal nerve comes out of the neck, it comes out of the complex structures of the spinal cord. During this coming out, pain is generated for pressure on various parts of the spinal cord (such as disks, ligaments, muscles). Now if there is such pressure in the first 3 of the 8 nerve originated from the neck, and since these 3 nerve moves towards the head, then we feel pain in the head for the problems caused. Shaking the buses, rickshaws and spinal bones for ages, can cause pressure in the nerve by growing unwanted ones. Many people use computers, laptops, as a result of pressure on the neck and spinal cord, which can result in headaches.
Treatment of Headache: Since water loss is one of the reasons for the human body to drink plenty of water. However, avoid drinking alcohol or coffee drinkers. Because they also cause water in the body. Herbal Tea helps reduce the risk of human headaches. Regular walking, running or swimming, increases the blood circulation of the human body. As a result, there is no possibility of blood clotting in the human brain. It reduces the risk of headaches. So to avoid headaches, you should have your daily routine physical exercise. If the pain of the head becomes unbearable, it can be soaked in a towel in cold water and after a few hours it can gently press on the forehead and neck. It also helps in reducing headache. Reduce working pressure will result in moderate sleeping. If the pain of the head is severe, there will be plenty of foods rich in magnesium and calcium.
Migraine: The second name of a sudden headache is the migraine. One of the major headaches in everyday life that can take happiness in moments of happiness. This pain can easily interfere with your work or excitement, and then stagge in the moment. Migraine can not be eliminated forever, treatment can be reduced or controlled in the treatment. It may be hereditary. It is more than men waiting for men. It is high in anxiety and menstrual periods. Anxiety, stress, constipation accelerates this.
Headaches: Generally a disease headache caused by nervous system problems. Headaches can be people of all ages. Some of them are less than People who did not have a headache once in life can not be found. The inflamatory juice of the pain inside the brain is released around the nervous system and the blood vessel of the head, resulting in headache. Due to the release of this juice, headache can occur on one side of the head after a specific period of time. There can also be headaches due to the water crisis. Another reason for headaches is tension or anxiety. Usually, 70% of the headaches are due to anxiety. Such a headache only got better after a while. The source of another type of headache is the nerve that originated from the neck. Usually, if any pressure arises in the first 3 of the 8 nerve that originates from the neck, then the pain caused is spread to the head. There may be neck and pain in this type of pain. Headache pain can also occur and move around the neck. The neck nerves have a lot of pressure in the neck. Nerve ropes or spinal cords fall from head to waist in the middle of our spine. Various instructions from the spinal cord brain are transported through various nerves to different parts of the body, and then reaches the body of various information and inconvenience. Spinal nerves, which are made from spinal cord, are called nerves, spinal nerves. When this spinal nerve comes out of the neck, it comes out of the complex structures of the spinal cord. During this coming out, pain is generated for pressure on various parts of the spinal cord (such as disks, ligaments, muscles). Now if there is such pressure in the first 3 of the 8 nerve originated from the neck, and since these 3 nerve moves towards the head, then we feel pain in the head for the problems caused. Shaking the buses, rickshaws and spinal bones for ages, can cause pressure in the nerve by growing unwanted ones. Many people use computers, laptops, as a result of pressure on the neck and spinal cord, which can result in headaches.
Treatment of Headache: Since water loss is one of the reasons for the human body to drink plenty of water. However, avoid drinking alcohol or coffee drinkers. Because they also cause water in the body. Herbal Tea helps reduce the risk of human headaches. Regular walking, running or swimming, increases the blood circulation of the human body. As a result, there is no possibility of blood clotting in the human brain. It reduces the risk of headaches. So to avoid headaches, you should have your daily routine physical exercise. If the pain of the head becomes unbearable, it can be soaked in a towel in cold water and after a few hours it can gently press on the forehead and neck. It also helps in reducing headache. Reduce working pressure will result in moderate sleeping. If the pain of the head is severe, there will be plenty of foods rich in magnesium and calcium.
Migraine: The second name of a sudden headache is the migraine. One of the major headaches in everyday life that can take happiness in moments of happiness. This pain can easily interfere with your work or excitement, and then stagge in the moment. Migraine can not be eliminated forever, treatment can be reduced or controlled in the treatment. It may be hereditary. It is more than men waiting for men. It is high in anxiety and menstrual periods. Anxiety, stress, constipation accelerates this.
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